About Diane Parker

Hello, my name is Diane Parker and I am a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Motivational Life Coach and Mindfulness Coach. In July 2017 I became a Grief Recovery Specialist. All of what I have achieved as a career has been due mainly to the amazing family that I have. Never have I needed to use the techniques I teach to others, on myself so much as I have had to this last 20 months.

In July 2016, I became a Widow. Three months later my sister was diagnosed with Cancer passing in September 2017. In between these two losses, in July 2017 I became a Grief Recovery Specialist.

This helped me by finding peace with my own loss, by letting go of my “hopes dreams and expectations” of my future with my husband. This released the pain that I was carrying in my heart. I cried as much as I did the day I lost him, but was soon filled with a lovely warm connection which left me feeling loved.

Now in a place of healing, I was in a much better position to help my family, my sister and her children prepare for her death, by nurturing their own journeys as we all prepared ourselves to say “goodbye” to her.

You can read my full story in my blog site www.mylifeafterwards.com